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PKU Urbanscape Essential Dataset (PKU-USED)【Request】


Data introduction

         The urban functional-zone is a space carrier for urban residents to engage in various socio-economic activities, such as commercial, residential, industrial and shantytowns, and is formed by a combination of natural, social, economic, and historical factors. The rational layout of urban functional-zones is of great significance to promote production, facilitate residents' lives, improve the ecological environment, and efficiently use land resources.
PKU-USED was extracted using the functional-zones mapping tools we developed based on the ZY-3, GF-6, Google Earth imagery and ArcGIS images. It contains 81 major cities in China. According to the "Code for classification of urban and rural land use and planning standards of development land" (GB50137), urban functional-zones are divided into 12 categories.

Data description

Data name PKU Urbanscape Essential Dataset
Data type TIFF/SHP
Resolution 2.4m
Coverage 81 cities in China(983,200km²)
Time 2019

Category system

ID Class Definition Legend
1 Woodland Woodland, grassland, etc. 1
2 Water Natural and artificial water bodies 6
3 Undeveloped Undeveloped land within cities, villages and towns, bare soil 7
4 Transport City roads, transportation facilities, etc. 8
5 Green Public open space such as parks, protective green space 9
6 Industrial Industrial, mining, storage 0
7 Institutional Administrative, cultural, educational, sports, health, etc. 11
8 Commercial Commercial and entertainment, etc. 12
9 Residential-1 Low-rise residences 2
10 Residential-2 Multiple, medium and high-rise residences 3
11 Residential-3 Shantytowns, rural homesteads, etc. 4
12 Agriculture Farmland, paddy field, orchard, etc. 5

Product samples

天津市  局部京津冀
Urban landscape functional-zones of 4 cities in Jingjinji
Local area of Jingjinji

济南  苏州市
Urban landscape functional-zones of 26 cities in Changsanjiao
Local area of Changsanjiao

济南  苏州市
Urban landscape functional-zones of  9 cities in Zhusanjiao
Local area of Zhusanjiao

Urban landscape functional-zones of  Beijing(16,400km²)

3 2
Urban area of Beijing Urban area of Beijing

3 2
Suburban area of Beijing Rural area of Beijing

Urban landscape functional-zones of  Tianjin(12,000km²)

Urban area of Tianjin Urban area of Tianjin

3 2
Suburban area of Tianjin Rural area of Tianjin
